Big Dawg Productions

A Non-Profit Theatre Company


Big Dawg Productions is a non-profit community theater, currently doing about six productions a year.
Auditions are typically held around 6 weeks prior to the opening of a show, so 7-8 weeks prior is a good time to start looking around for Audition information. We typically list the dates on the Welcome page of this site, 
Facebook, and in local publications such as the StarNews Thursday editions.

Current Auditions


Q: Do I need to have previous acting experience?
A: Not necessarily. Our auditions are open to anyone, regardless of experience level. So don't worry 
    if you've never been onstage, we'd love to take credit for "giving you your start!" 

Q: What is required at auditions? 
A: We ask that you provide a resume and to have your schedule in mind for the next two months 
    because you will be asked about your availability and about any conflicts you may have with both 
    rehearsal and production dates. We also ask, though it is not required, that you provide a 
    headshot or recent snapshot of yourself, if at all possible. Having a photo of you really helps us as 
    we're going through the casting options after auditions to remember who you are and envision 
    possible pairings of characters. It is not necessary to send a headshot in advance, just bring it 
     with you when you come to audition. 

Q: Do I need to have a monologue prepared?
A: It varies from show to show. Monologues are rarely required, but it's always a good idea to have 
   one prepared, just in case.The majority of the time, actors are asked to read from the show's 
   script "sides". 

Q: What are rehearsal schedules like?
A: Rehearsal schedule, also, varies from show to show, and is largely dependent upon that the 
    schedules of those who are cast (when they are available, conflicting dates, etc). Generally, 
    rehearsals end up being weeknights from 7-10 pm and once or twice over the weekend. The 
    director will usually have more specific information at auditions.

Q: Can I send you my headshot/resume in advance?
A: Yes, but again, it's not necessary. Directors want to meet you in person and see you audition 
    before choosing to cast you. We rarely, if ever, cast based on "look" alone. So your best bet is to 
    come to the audition and bring your headshot and resume with you.
  If you still wish to send your headshot and/or resume, you can send it to 

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